Patient Portal
Improve engagement with your patients. Increase your patient satisfaction.

The cloud based system that goes where you do
Save time and effort
Patients can update their demographics, Insurance data, medical history, and current medication.
Your patients can securely receive test results & request appointments & refills online.
Online Registration
Allow Patients to register online. All you have to do is to enter the patient email when registering the patient.
Demographics Online
Allow Patients to fill out demographics data online fom home. Save data entry time while making it more convenient to your patients
Secure Messaging
Increase patient engagement by setting up aliases for secure messaging through the patient portal. Patients can send & receive messages directly to and from your practice
Online Appointments
Create blocks on your schedule for patients to request their own appointments through the patient portal. Patients can select a time and date, as well as receive an automated reminder for their upcoming appointment.
Refill Requests
Forget the phones and faxes. With Veracity 9.0, patients can electronically request prescription refill requests directly through the portal. This automatically shows up in your personal dashboard, allowing you to review and sign off.
Bill Pay
Patients feel financially informed with viewable statements through the patient portal. Patients can securely make payments online, as well as view their statement history.
Patient Engagement
Increase patient engagement by offering an easy-to-use patient portal experience. Patients can view their medical records online, including appointments, clinical summaries, health maintenance, and much, more more!
Medical History
Increase patient engagement by offering an easy-to-use patient portal experience. Patients can view their medical records online, including appointments, clinical summaries, health maintenance, and much, more more!
Alert Reminders
Increase patient engagement by offering an easy-to-use patient portal experience. Patients can view their medical records online, including appointments, clinical summaries, health maintenance, and much, more more!
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Everything In One Fully Integrated Package
Why is Patient Engagement so critical?
Patients have immediate access to their personal and family health information with the click of a button. Increasing Patient Engagement increases patient satisfaction and retention, keeping patients part of their own treatment
Putting Patients First
You want to see patient satisfaction and retention. Patients want to play a part in their own health care. The patient portal allows you to do just that–patients can access their medical records, including clinical summaries, health maintenance, immunizations, medications, labs, and even appointment records.

Automate Your Practice
With an automated patient portal experience, your office staff can spend less time answering phones and scheduling appointments, and more time working on clinical billing tasks. As productivity increases, you have the ability to increase patient retention without increasing your overhead costs.
Improve Your Clinical Care
The Patient Portal is only one of the many features offered by AllegianceMD to streamline your EHR experience. Veracity 9.0 allows you to improve your clinical care with customizable templates, health plans, scheduling & more.
All too often doctors spend time with patients discussing symptoms, illnesses, and providing medical advice for which they routinely do not bill for. Why? Perhaps a fast paced office with a waiting room full of patients and falling behind in the day’s schedule; too many things to remember beyond the “Chief Complaint.”
With the AllegianceMD Patient Portal feature, a patient can log on to a HIPAA compliant and secure web suite and complete much of their demographic and visit information on-line prior to their in-person visit. There is no need to worry about the security of the data. The patient’s data is encrypted. You can be rest assured that your practice is remaining HIPAA compliant.
When a patient logs in to the patient portal to complete their paperwork, the on-line forms presented to them look just like traditional paper forms. The forms can even be made to appear as those your practice has been using for ears. Coupled with the EMR AllegianceMD provides, and it becomes even easier to implement the data into a patient’s account from the portal.
You may be wondering, “Just how much information am I sharing with the patient?” Well there is no need to worry about leaking too much patient information. The amount of information shared with the patient is completely controlled by you. Yes, the practice has the ultimate authority regarding how much data is conveyed to the patient. The patient does not have access to the doctor’s records at any time, so the patient only sees what the doctor wants them to see. This means that the physician’s progress notes remain protected.
The office staff enjoys the benefits of the patient portal too! The days of sending the patient a registration packet and hoping it’s completed before the office visit are gone forever! Staff no longer have to wait while the patient fills in all of the necessary information. A patient can simply fill out the paperwork in the luxury of their own home. For patients that do not have access to an internet-enabled computer, a touch screen kiosk can even be set up in the lobby away from wandering eyes that has the same features as the at home portal.